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5 Safety Tips for Remote and Mobile Working

Nowadays, most businesses employ remote working technologies to some extent. Whether it’s working from home, a hotel suite, or a conference venue, there’s no denying that remote and mobile working have opened unlimited opportunities for employees and company owners alike. However, the issue of security and potential data breaches remains. Though cyberattacks usually tend to target larger businesses and conglomerates, medium and smaller companies also stand at risk of potential digital threats. According to a recent report, 62% of businesses experienced phishing and social engineering attacks in 2018*. This stresses the need for better security measures to effectively deal with the cybersecurity threats that businesses struggle with on a day-to-day basis. Fortunately, there are many ways to ensure your safety online, especially while traveling during the holidays. Here are 5 safety tips for remote and mobile working.

1. Secure Handling of Mobile Devices and Laptops

The number of individuals who work remotely has increased by 140% since 2005**. This goes to show that the popularity of this global trend is ever-growing. With remote working taking over the business industry, this calls for better security measures to stay safe online.

You always need to make sure that your mobile device and laptop are both physically and digitally safe. When you’re traveling, especially during the holiday season, it can be easy to misplace your phone and computer, particularly if you’re bouncing from hotel room to hotel room, switching cars or using public transportation. Lost or stolen mobiles and computers with little to no security measures installed can be a huge liability. So, always look after your business assets and never leave them in cars, hotel closets, or public areas. Additionally, you should digitally secure your devices, with strong passwords and a two-factor authentification.

2. Enforcement of a Comprehensive Remote Access Policy

When your business heavily relies on remote support and access, you need to ensure that your staff is aware of the best and most secure ways to handle workplace computers and mobile devices. There are 4.3 million who work remotely in the USA accounting for 3.2% of the entire workforce**. The percentage is ever-increasing due to the multitude of benefits remote work offers, for both workers and employers alike. This is why a comprehensive remote access policy is mandatory, so you can protect your company from digital threats or misuse of remote tools. You need to establish and continually enforce a solid remote access policy that dictates the level of security any devices should have. It should also include the circumstances under which said devices can be used, that is, when, where, and how your employees can access your business data remotely. This policy serves as a reminder for your employees that the exceptional technology of remote access should be handled as a privilege.

3. Dependable Remote Access Technology

Choosing a remote access and support provider can be challenging, especially considering the security risks that come with the technology. Achieving increased productivity and saving on operational costs are two of the primary benefits that come with remote working, but if you’re after optimal results you also need to ensure that the tools and platform you use can be trusted. This is why a dependable, reliable, and trustworthy remote access technology is crucial. We, at ShowMyPC, can help you with that. As remote access and support providers, we take tremendous pride in the quality and sophistication of services we offer our customers. These include end-to-end security using 256-bit encryption, so you know that your data is secure.

4. Management of Remote Access Rights and Role Permissions

Small businesses hire full-time remote workers twice as much as big companies, and 16% of companies exclusively hire remote workers**. This growth in telecommuting necessitates the enforcement of more robust remote access strategies to protect both the company’s and the employee’s interests.

Keeping a list of employees with their roles and corresponding access rights is a great way to ensure they are using the tools correctly. It also helps you in case some of their circumstances change and they either don’t travel for work anymore or they have been offered an in-office position, and thereupon they don’t require remote access privileges.

5. Data Encryption and Best Practice

On average, only 5% of companies’ data folders are adequately protected, and 94% of malware is being delivered via email*. Since email is the most used digital technology for business communication, you need to consider how it could potentially open backdoors to cyber-attacks and data leaks. You should always strive to enforce best practices in your organization, through raising awareness on the vulnerabilities that come with remote data exchange. Establishing clear policies on what information cannot be shared via email, like user data, passwords, logins, etc should be your goal. You also need strict guidelines for your employees to follow when working remotely, namely avoiding public networks, keeping work data on work computers, and frequently checking removable devices for malware infections.



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