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5 low cost ways to get your business noticed online

Whatever sector you operate in, an online presence is your irrevocable best friend. Why? Here’s some stats to get you salivating:

  • The Interconnected World: Shopping and Personal Finance report revealed that a huge 61% of global internet users research products online.
  • The same report also confirmed that 44% of online shoppers begin their consumer journey by using a search engine.
  • In the US alone, Comscore reports that internet users conduct 12 billion searches every month!

There’s no arguing that up keeping a dynamic online presence is an absolute must when it comes to getting maximizing sales. And the best thing is that hard hitting strategies don’t have to cost a fortune. Here are five great low cost ways to get your business noticed online:

Get genuinely social

As well as using social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to shout out about your product or service, don’t forget to mix it up with general interest content that’s relevant yet no-salesy. For example, office anecdotes, links to interesting articles, funny memes and so on work a treat.

Give Instagram ample attention

Thought Facebook was king? Think again! The social media powerhouse is used by 300 million users who clock up around 21 minutes per day browsing the platform. The visual element is a fantastic way to connect with customers on an emotional level, and can even be used as a recruitment tool by showcasing your office culture.

Secure domains that match your industry

Want to set yourself apart from the .com crowd. Unique domain extensions such as .nyc, .house, .flowers, .market and so on can be a great way to attract attention and give your website extreme relevance. And for those who think Google penalizes these sorts of extensions, it’s a total myth. “Overall, our systems treat new gTLDs like other gTLDs, [such as] .com and .org,”?explains Google’s John Mueller. “Keywords in a TLD do not give any advantage or disadvantage in search.”

Start a blog

Blogs are a terrific way to offer your customers ongoing content, attract external traffic and boost your SEO strategy. Google loves websites that publish new content on a regular basis and blogs are a great way to get in the search engine’s good books.

Use paid search

Both Fortune 500 companies and SMEs alike use paid search. For the latter, it’s simply about starting off with a small budget that’s underpinned by an effective strategy. Even just ?5 a day can make a big difference, especially when you experiment with using different ad groups and key words.

With these five tips, you can ensure that your website has the best possible chance at getting noticed in the online world.

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