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  • How to Keep Up Productivity During The Holiday Season

    The holiday season is a time for festive cheer with family and friends, but if you’re a business owner or responsible for key business functions, you'll need to remain productive over the break to ensure that those business wheels keep on turning. Many employees give up time with their loved ones over the holidays to go to the office to ...

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  • Is remote working right for you?

    Remote working is changing the workplace and it is changing the way in which people work. We no longer have to be located in an office with colleagues or around other people because all remote working requires is an internet connection. If you have an internet connection then you can work remotely, but is remote working right for you? The fact that...

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  • Easy Ways to Nurture Your Creativity

    Being creative is not easy. Ideas sometimes come thick and fast, at other times they dry up to a trickle. Knowing why this is can be tricky to diagnose and fix, and it’s something everyone in a creative field deals with from time to time. Even Earnest Hemmingway suffered with terrible writer’s block. However, by learning a few tricks a...

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  • What is the 80 20 Rule for Productivity?

    Work in most sectors can often feel like a battle. You work through the small, interrupting tasks that get put in front of you and the big stuff takes longer to complete. This is a common problem for many people, and something that fosters the feeling of a lack of productivity. From that comes stress and anxiety, and nothing productive can happen i...

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  • Design Tips for Productive Home Offices

    Working from home is becoming more and more popular. As connectivity and online work platforms have increased in power and sophistication, it’s now possible for large sectors of the workforce to work remotely – often in different cities and increasingly, in different countries than the company’s own HQ. Whether you work remotely ...

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