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The mistakes all remote workers make

According to the latest GlobalWorkplaceAnalytics data, the number of Americans remote working has grown 103% since 2005 with 3.7 million people now working from home at least half the time (that’s 2.5% of the working population).

The Census Bureau’s annual American Community Survey found that remote workers tend to be 40+, with a college degree and earn around $60,000 annually working for a company with at least 100 employees.

Of course, working remotely has some marked differences to working at the office, and many employees find themselves falling victim to some common mistakes. To keep you as productive as possible we’ve put together a list of key faux pas to avoid at all costs.

Not getting dressed and presentable

One of the biggest blunders made by remote workers is the failure to physically switch into professional mode. Experts maintain that it’s just as important to look the part, whether you’re working from the kitchen table or the board room.

Failing to allocate space for work and play

Merging the place in which you work and play can be seriously counterproductive. If you plan on permanently working from home take the time to set up an office and use this exclusively for professional purposes.

Neglecting to plan

Planning out your days is the key to staying productive and on-task. Just because there’s no boss looking over your shoulder and ensuring you’re on the ball, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a game plan to work with.

Attempting to multitask

Tempted to run a load of laundry while taking a conference call, fix dinner while going over presentation notes or check your Amazon order while filling out an expense report? Don’t do it! Multitasking work tasks and personal chores will have a negative impact on your focus and generally ensure that neither task is completed to the standard it should be. 

Not practicing good posture

When you don’t have a permanent office to work from it can be all too easy to fund yourself slumping at dining room chairs or lounging back on the sofa. The truth is that this is terrible for your posture. Invest in a work specific ergonomic chair that keeps you comfortable and healthy, whatever your hours.

Not maintaining professionalism

Just because you don’t head to an office everyday it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be 100% professional during working hours. For example, dress the part when taking Skype calls, answer your phone with a corporate worthy line, set-up a professional voicemail, use a business email address and so on.


Ready to get productive? Stay away from these common mistakes and we guarantee your remote working experience will improve by tenfold. 

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